Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to find your soul mate?

Do you have the wait and he will come syndrome? Have you done everything that the gurus have said about attracting your mate, writing your list, pretending that he is already with you, and holding out for the right man. If you’ve been doing all of this, and still nothing works, I am going to tell you how you can win the affections of the man of your dreams.

Pagan priestesses specialized in the art of seduction, love, sensuality, and matchmaking.

In my other article, How Do Voodoo Spells Work, I mentioned that pagan priestesses specialized in the art of love, seduction, sensuality, and matchmaking. Women went to these priestesses to seek knowledge on how they could pursue a lover or rekindle the spark in a dying relationship. Priestesses would conduct divinations to determine the best course of action. We can see powerful women rising to power throughout history by tapping into their feminine essence. People such as: Theodora, a common woman, who wooed the powerful Roman Emperor Justinian into marrying her. Of course, we can’t forget about Cleopatra, who sought the advice of Egyptian priestess to win over the affections of both Julies Caesar and Marc Antony. History is marked with powerful, beautiful women, who rose to fame using the power of love. Yes, I said love, not sex, not seduction, not trickery or manipulation.

Understanding the suppression of the feminine essence.

In traditional times, there were female deities that had a great deal of power. Their power wasn’t limited to just love, but also war, bartering, herbs and healing. Today, we don’t see strong feminine forces in modern religions. As result, the power of the feminine essence is doormat in a great deal of women. Women can say that they want to be in a relationship and they can even work hard to attract a man. However, if they can’t light the internal spark of love and sensuality inside of themselves, this will never happen.

Suppression of the feminine essence is also do to trauma and pain from past relationships.

There are women today, who have never experienced an orgasm. They are having a difficult time getting into those blissful states. This happens because there is a great deal of pain and trauma that are blocking your sexual energetic fields. These spinning wheels of energetic frequencies are known as the 2nd chakra, or the Swadhisthana chakra in Sanskrit. When these fields are blocked, energy cannot flow from the sexual chakra to the heart. This is very important when finding love, simply because we have to exude love and give love before we can receive it. However, in order to do that, our sexually chakra and heart chakra have to work harmoniously together.

The Heart is the Strongest Organ in the Body.

In my other article, How Do Voodoo Spells Work, I talk about the heart, and how it has an electromagnetic field that extends up to sixty feet. I also explained that the heart send a great deal of information to the brain. Also, the heart plays a major role in your nervous system, and the chemical hormones that your body emits. You have to master the emotions of love. You have to feel like you’re falling in love. Your body can’t tell the difference between an experience that is real, and one that is fabricated. So when you start controlling your thoughts, you start controlling your emotions. By doing this, you will not only raise your vibrations, but also tap into one of the most powerful forces in the world– love. Love is an energy that nobody can resist.

Create an action plan to manifest love.

Powerful women back in the day didn’t sit around and wait for their beau to arrive. They sought out the services of strong priestesses, who then did rituals, preparing them to win over the affections of their love interest. These women would study the man of their desires, understanding his habits, pleasures, and interest. Does that sound like stalking? Well, I got news for you, that’s what men do. Now, the power has shifted where men are the pursuers and women just have the power to say nay or yay. As a result of this, women are being approached my substandard men. So what can you do to combat this?

First, you have to heal. If you’re still wounded and bitter about a relationship that ended badly ten years ago, take the time to set this energy free. This negative energy is blocking both your sexual and heart chakras and will not allow you to emit the loving energy that you need to find your soul mate.

Second, start working with different deities. You can start by working with the deities that you’re most familiar with. The Egyptians goddesses include Demeter, the deity of agriculture, and unconditional love. You can also work with the Hindu deity Parvati to spark or strengthen an existing relationship. Of course, if you’re more familiar with Norse Mythology, you can work with Freya, the goddess associated with love, beauty, magic, sacrifice, and sexuality. If you’re like me, you can work with the Yoruba Orishas. You can work with Oshun to tap into the infinite power of love. Lastly, you can work with Yemaya, the mother goddess who can release trapped energy and spark your desire for love and creation.

Third, start working to open up your chakras. If you’re having a hard time with this, you can seek out a practitioner or a holistic health expert to help with this endeavor. They can help you release these blocks of negative energy so you can feel ten times lighter. Trust me I know.

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