Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Pagan’s cheat sheet for creating powerful Love Spell Perfumes.

A Pagan’s cheat sheet for creating powerful Love Spell Perfumes.

Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on incense, perfumes, spiritual oils, and other magical supplies? You want to cast your own spells, but you simply don’t have access to the resources and supplies needed. So you try and order the supplies online, only to be disappointed when they don’t work, or they don’t look like how you hoped they would. You can put all of your worries to rest. In this article, I am going to explain how love spell perfumes work, and how you can whip up your own perfume with just a few simple ingredients.

Understanding healing oils and their essence.

A lot of people fail to understand the healing properties of plants and trees. I truly believe that almost every illness and ailment has a natural cure. In my other article, Is Voodoo Real, I talked about how African slaves survived in the Americas. People fail to understand how bad slavery was. Many of the slaves worked until they died from exhaustion, dehydration or sickness.  For a long period of time, African slaves worshiped their native religions such as Vodun and Yoruba. They reached out to the ancestors who guided them and told them which plants to eat. They also told them which plants could be used for healing, and which plants can be used as poison. It was not only the African’s strong belief in the ancestors that guided them and helped them survived slavery. Mother Earth was guiding them as well.

Spiritual Oils and their uses.

I wrote an article about the Rainbow body. I wrote about how the most evolved beings in the world transform into these brightly colored beams of light. There are many beings that are said to have attained light body status such as, Jesus Christ, Krishna, Buddha, and the Yoruba prophet Orunmila. I wrote in my other article, How to get over a heartbreak, that we are all basically light bodies. This is why the ancient Egyptians and many other indigenous cultures worshipped Sun Gods. Sadly, as society progressed, we stopped worshipping the Sun, and started worshipping each other. This has created a dire dependence on people for genuine love and fulfillment. We’ve lost our connection to the Sun, and thus established a new connection with each other. This connection that we have to fellow man has caused many of us to be loved starved, because we can never get all the love that we need from men.

However, it is important to understand that some of the best prophets in religious history turned into light bodies. What does that mean? It means that they stopped trying to get light and love from their fellow human beings, and started putting their energy and focus into God. As a result, they became enlightened and their human bodies’ transformed into beautiful rainbow colored beams of light. So where am I getting at with all this? I am saying that plants have attained the rainbow body status. They are highly enlightened beings that are present all throughout the universe. They exist on virtually every planet, and are on every plane of existence and or dimension. Plants are here to guide us to spiritual ascension, for they not only hold many of the earth’s memories. They also hold the genuine essence that can cure almost any element or illness in the human body.

The truth about magical oils.

It is important to understand that plants and many animals are sacred for several reasons. One, the plants and animals are very old, and therefore hold many of the earths secrets and memories. Secondly, many plants have attained ascension status. They have become rainbow bodies, and thus have become very magical.  So we eat the corpse of plants and animals to take in their essence. In turn, the plant and or animal helps raise our vibrations and guides us down the path of enlightenment. This is the reason why many indigenous cultures believed in animal sacrifices. They believed that they were consuming the corpse of a highly enlightened body, and thus taken in the essence of a highly evolved being. They would conduct rigorous rituals that would raise the animal’s vibrations, thus making him more magical. Lucky for us, many of these magical properties don’t only have to be used for consumption. They can also be used as perfumes to make our love spells stronger.

Aromatherapy and spell casting.

People who follow my blog and watch my videos understand that spell casting and manifesting can’t be done without power. This is why a great deal of pagans used herbs and plants to cast powerful love spells and create perfumes. These plants don’t only have healing properties, but also hold the essence of enlightenment and nature. Plants, from the leaf, to the root, to the bud, to the twig, can help increase the magic and or power of any love spell. Below, I have outlined a few of the best plants to use to create powerful love spell perfumes.

Sandalwood: a healing and attraction oil

Sandalwood is often used in Indian spiritual ceremonies and rituals. It is often referred to as a preferential fragrance for men. However, women have been known to dabble some of the oil on their neck and behind their ears. The aroma is incredibly erotic and can be used as a moisturizing and normalizing property.

Rose Oil: a healing and attraction oil

Roses are the ultimate language of love. In fact, roses should be a stable for anyone who wishes to practice magic. The rose is associated with the archetype goddess of love. The rose is also known to balance the hormones in the reproductive system. You can use rose oil in your baths. Or you can simply rub some rose oil on your wrist and chest to help open up the heart chakra. If you’re feeling down, or are suffering from a broken heart. You can make yourself feel a little better by inhaling some rose oil.

Ylang Ylang; is a healing and attraction oil.
Do you need help increasing your libido? Do you need someone to be sexually attracted to you? Ylang Ylang is a sweet smelling flowery perfume that can be used in your sex magic spells, and your attraction spells. Ylang Ylang can also be used if your relationship is becoming stale, or if it is badly in need of a sexual spark.

Jasmine Essential Oil: a healing and attraction oil

Can also be used for romance and attraction. Beware! Jasmine is a highly concentrated oil blend that shouldn’t be digested or inhaled. Rather, it is best to use Jasmine in conjunction with other oils such as: Ylang/Ylang, Rose, and Sandalwood, experiment with Jasmine as needed.

Plants, herbs, and oils increase the potency of love spell perfumes.
They vibrate at a much higher frequency than man and hold many of the earth's memories.


Monday, June 13, 2016

How to get over heartbreak using Ruby Stones? Video

How to get over heartbreak using Ruby Stones?

I have one golden rule. I never tell anyone what’s good for them. I try so hard to not come off as self-righteous and arrogant. I don’t believe that I should be honest with people. I feel that it is their responsibility to be honest with themselves. So when people call me requesting love spells, I don’t tell them that they’re in a bad relationship, or that they deserve better. I simply let them figure this out for themselves. Besides, my job is to guide people back to their true selves. My job is to help them listen to the inner voices that have been silenced in their heads. After some time, these women realize that they don’t really want a love spell. What they really want is the love. Love is something that I can help them with. This is when I began to recommend the Goddess Diana spell using ruby stones for love and healing.

Getting over heartbreak.

Getting over heartbreak is hard. I have read a lot of other blog posts, articles, and I’ve watched YouTube videos, only to receive the same answers. Breakups are hard, you will cry a lot, you will be in mourning. Blah. Blah. Blah. I think of breakups as detoxing from a brain inducing chemical. In my other article, How to cast voodoo love spells, I talk about the act of falling in love. When we fall in love, our brains produce a series of feel good hormones such as vasopressin, serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline. So when you’re in love, you’re on a natural high. It is a feeling of elation and ecstasy that surpasses any recreational of pharmaceutical drug. Sadly, people detox from love, just like they would detox from a dangerous mind altering substance. When people detox from drugs such as cocaine, crack, and heroine, their bodies’ go through withdrawal symptoms. The same thing happens when we fall out of love. Our bodies are no longer producing those feel good chemicals. This not only puts us in a state of desperation (I have to have him or else). It put us in a state of mourning. We often feel like we’re dying, or a part of us has died. The agony of falling out of love, coupled with the suppressed emotions and trauma is completely unbearable. We will do anything to stop the pain, including fantasizing about our ex-boyfriends and past lovers.

How to stop obsessing over someone?

Sadly, most of the women who call me, wanting love spells, are the women who are obsessing over an ex-lover. In my other article, Free and Easy Love Spells, I talk about how the mind can’t differentiate between an experienced that is imagined from an experienced that is real. So, when you break up with someone, and you still fantasize and think about him in a romantic way, your body is producing the same feel good hormones that it did when you were with him. This is why it takes a long time for people to get over the heartache. We have become addicted to a certain kind of emotion and chemical reaction. We have developed a bad habit that has become way too difficult to break. Sadly, there are millions of people all over the world who are still in love with their ex. Breaking this addiction, or telling someone that they’re obsessed, is a difficult thing to do. People would rather choose to live in an illusion that offers some kind of pleasure, than a reality that is painful.

How to deal with heartache?

The best way to get over heartbreak is to understand that pain translates into growth. I know, there are a of lot feel good, New Age hippies that tell you that you’re supposed to feel good, all the time. In truth, you’re supposed to address the pain. We have to understand that it is the pain that is driving us to seek out the wrong partners. After all, relationships are mirrors; please read my article, How to save your marriage using the 7 Essene Mirrors. We’ve gotten into the bad habit of sedating our pain, in particularly in the United States. We not only sedate our pain with prescription pills, but we also sedate our pain with escapism, casual sex, alcohol, recreational drugs, etc. These dysfunctional behaviors not only stop us from healing, but also inhibit us from getting the love that we deserve.

Here’s a Goddess Diana Spell to heal a broken heart

The Roman Goddess is perhaps one of the most misunderstood yet––the most worshipped Goddess in Europe. In fact, no deity was associated more with witchcraft during the “Burning Times” then Diana. She is known as the huntress and the warrior. Most importantly, she is known as the as the Goddess of Light and Fire. She was honored at the Festival of Torches that was normally celebrated from August 13th to the 15th According to legend, many of the witches who were burned at the stake, didn’t really die. Rather, the fire worked to burn away their impurities, and much like the phoenix bird that is reborn from fire and ashes, they were reborn as omnipotent and powerful spirits. Fire is an earth element that can be used to burn away your impurities, your pain, and trauma from past relationships.

  1. Get it all out.
  2. Write down all the pain that you’ve experienced from your past relationships on a piece of paper.
  3. Use a torch or a long match to set the piece of paper on fire.
  4. Do this on a full moon, preferably in August.
  5. Petitioning The Goddess Diana during a Friday the 13th in August is most ideal.

So once you’ve gotten rid of the negative energy. You want to start to fill your heart up with positive energy. Remember, magic is all about striking the perfect balance.

Using Ruby Stones for healing!

Ruby stone is ideal for stimulating the heart chakra. The stone is also a powerful shield against psychic attacks and vampirism. In essence, this stone will help stop the obsession. It will help you to be clearer while stimulated your pineal gland. This is an important stone, simply because you don’t want to waste your energy supporting an illusion. Besides, you can use all those same thoughts, emotions, and hormones, to manifest a new and (real) lover.

  1. You can take a ruby stone and put it on your altar
  2. You can petition the Goddess Diana to enchant the stone for you.
  3. Wear the stone close to your heart, to stimulate the heart chakra
  4. Continue this process until your mind is clear.
  5. In time, the loneliness, emptiness, and pain should go away.

It's important to get over heartbreaks quickly so we don't waste our energy on mourning, but use it for healing and manifesting a new love!

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Secret to Casting Powerful Voodoo Magic Spells, Video

The Secret to Casting Powerful Voodoo Magic Spells

I get it all the time from the people whom I’ve worked with. They call me and complain. I did everything that you told me to do and still nothing is working. They also complain and ask me why they are not enlightened. They want to know why they can’t meditate, or why their life has suddenly turned to shit. They blame me, curse me, tell me that their misfortune is all of my fault. Then, I have to ask them. Did you make your sacrifice? Do you work on becoming spiritually enlighten every day? What have you given to the Orishas, the Lwa, and the Goddess, to Mother Earth? These people are normally stunned into silence. They know that they haven’t done any work what so ever to bring about their desired results. So, instead of taken responsibility for their own laziness, they want to blame me. However, it is not completely their fault. Many snake oil salesmen have sold Voodoo as a get results quick scheme. So people are compelled to believe that things will just magically happen. Sadly, they fail to understand the most important element of nature, the concept of sacrifice.

Animal Sacrifices in Voodoo Rituals

When I say, sacrifice, I don’t mean that you should go out and kill a chicken. There is a reason why our ancestors sacrificed animals. In my other article, A cheat Sheet for creating powerful  perfume love spells, I talked about how some plants are very sacred to earth. These plants have a strong legacy and carry a great deal of energy, ashé, chi, or prana. Most importantly, these plants have attained a higher level of ascension.  Many believe that they have attained the status of a Rainbow Body.  We as humans consume the corpse of plants to not only take in their essence, but also to increase our vibrations and attain a higher standard of enlightenment. Many animals, such as chicken and cows, consume a great deal of plant products (or at least they used to). So our ancestors would conduct rigorous voodoo ceremonious were they are working with the Orisha, Goddesses, or Mother Nature to increase the vibrational energy of the animal. This is the reason why many Jews eat Kosher meat. Once the animal is infused with the energy from the Gods and or nature, our ancestors would kill it and consume its flesh. By doing this, they were consuming the essence of the animal and thus increasing their own spiritual vibrations.

The era of entitlement and free voodoo spells.

Back in the day, it was very difficult for our ancestors to find food. It was even more difficult for them to find edible meat. A wise man once said to me, that God made it difficult for men to find food.  Nature rewards the strongest. So those who evolve are gifted with the privilege of evolution. Most importantly, our ancestors didn’t eat half as much as we do today. So, by making animal sacrifices and consuming meat, they could go a lot longer with a lot less fuel. So what’s my point. My point is that our ancestors worked hard just to eat. They sometimes had to spend days chasing a deer before they could kill it. Quite naturally, there were many days when they went hungry. Today, food is plentiful. However, money is scarce. We have to work so hard, just to make a couple of bucks. For many of us, our money is spent paying bills, leaving us very little for leisure of frivolity.  Over the years, I’ve come across a lot of people who would give their money to the church, or other religious organizations. But they are hesitate about giving anything to the Orisha, the Lwa, and the Goddess of Mother Earth. They don’t respect the rituals, the ceremonies, and most importantly, they don’t respect the law of sacrifice. They feel entitled, and believe that the Orishas should just grant them their wishes, without them working hard or making the proper sacrifices.

The Truth about Voodoo Magic Spells.

The real truth about Voodoo Magic Spells is that you will get out of it, whatever you put into it.  And you can’t take more than what you give. I know there are a lot of snake oil salesmen and charlatans who will sell you a Voodoo Magic Spell. Many of these spells will be effective, but a great deal of them will bring about more harm than good. Why? Because you didn’t put in the work, or make the sacrifice in order to get the magic to work effectively. You see, the sole purpose of magic is to heal and to get people to evolve. So in order for magic to work, we need to make some kind of sacrifice. If we want to lose weight, we need to make the sacrifice of dieting and exercising. If we want to start a business, we are going to have to spend our hard earned money, and work countless hours making the business work. The sacrifice MUST ALWAYS make us feel uncomfortable, and it must be somewhat difficult. In magic, you have to give up what you cherish the most, to get the magic to work.

The Dangers of Voodoo Magic Spells

In the Bible, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. It wasn’t just because God wanted to test Abraham, it was because the sacrifice would ensure that Abraham would be able to move forward. This is a concept known in nature as creative destruction. Before something can be created, something else needs to be destroyed. We can see this concept of creative destruction all throughout history, horses were replaced by cars, typewriters were replaced by computers etc. Each invention, moved humanity a step closer to ascension and evolution. When we don’t make the sacrifices, we don’t destroy the obstacles that are standing in our way. So when we cast our spells or use magic for manifesting, we are not only going to manifest our desired outcome, but also the opposite of that outcome. I think a lot of the people who practiced The Law of Attraction, found this out the hard way. They felt entitled, and wanted to practice magic without making the proper sacrifice. So they not only manifested what they wanted, but also what they didn’t want. It is important to understand that with magic, it is the sacrifice that offsets the negative or undesirable outcome.

How to cast Voodoo Magic Spells without manifesting the opposite of what you desire?

The first thing that we have to do is give up our sense of entitlement. We have to understand that if we truly want blessings from the Orishas, the Lwa, the Goddess, or Mother Nature, we are going to have to put in a lot more than what we take out. We have to get into the habit of making sacrifices daily. We can start with just sending them our love. Besides, we are not building good relationships with them, if we come to them only when we need something. Also, we can’t make everything about ourselves. Sadly, we have devolved into a “me” society, where everyone is out for themselves. However, our ancestors didn’t operate under the paradigm of me, they worked under the concept of we. What does that mean? It means that you should tie your desires into a higher cause. I write and make videos because I want to diminish the shame and stigma that has been attached to pagans and African derived religions. Trust me, it’s very hard. Each day, I have to wake up in the morning and fight against my own self-doubt. I know that I am flawed, and imperfect. Sometimes, I feel that I am not even qualified to do this. However, I sacrifice my insecurities to ensure that we as a human race will evolve. I give to the Orisha, the Goddess, and Mother Earth, the only thing that I have, my power of words, in hopes that they will bless and empower me with wisdom and prosperity.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

How to do a powerful free break up spell? Video

How to do a powerful free break up spell? For people who are in abusive and or dysfunctional relationships

I get a lot of women who contact me, asking me to cast a break up spell. Sadly, some of these women can barely pay their rent, yet they want to ask me to break up a marriage, or to perform a free voodoo spell to break up a couple. To be honest, I get annoyed with these kind of requests. However, I know deep within my soul that these women are reaching out to me for help. So, I help them, but it is not always pretty.  Gradually, these women learn, that the men they desire don’t have wives, but a bad habit. Then, I get the most common response, but he’s not happy! Then, I have to explain to them that it doesn’t matter, breaking up a couple is equal to waning a drug addict off of crack cocaine. It takes a lot of work, and energy––and they’re probably going to relapse a couple of times before they get clean. Then, I get the other question, what if the relationship is abusive? Well, that’s an entirely different story. So in this article, I am going to give you a Goddess Isis break up spell that will help someone leave and abusive and or dysfunctional relationship.

The number one reason why free voodoo spells to break up a couple don’t work.

Dysfunctional and abusive relations are like addictions. We don’t only have addictions to shopping, food, alcohol, and drugs. We also have addictions to emotions. Many of us are addicted to anger. We are addicted to sadness. We are addicted to loneliness and self-pity. So each emotion has a thought, that triggers a certain chemical reaction throughout the body. For example, anger releases adrenaline and gives you a quick burst of energy.  Dr. Joe Dispenza, researcher, lecturer, and chiropractor says that neurons that fire together, wire together. What does this mean? It means that every thought is being reinforced by an emotion and every emotion is being reinforced by a thought. If this cycle continues over a long period of time, it becomes our disposition. We are angry people. We are moody people. We are irritable people. So then, our emotions and thoughts are on auto-pilot, and we do them without even thinking. This is perhaps why a lot of people don’t even believe that they’re in a dysfunctional relationship.

You have to cast a break up spell to break the addiction.

To make matters even worse, people are not only addicted to emotions. They are also addicted to people. They will seek people who reinforce their own internal feelings of anger, rejection, loneliness, self-loathing and pity. Women with low self-esteem will find men who will treat them like doormats. Insecure men, will find a woman who is a man-eater, who is also emotionally cold, aloof, and verbally abusive. It is very difficult to get people to change. It is even more difficult to get people to break a habit or an addiction. Let’s face it, some people never overcome their addictions, simply because they can’t deal with the void and pain that comes along with it. Read my article, How to get over heartbreak? People go through a great deal of counseling and therapy, to work on re-wiring the brain, and breaking the bad habits that they’ve had since childhood. However, this is a long, lengthy, and expensive process that doesn’t always bring about good results.

How to do a break up spell that works?

It will be difficult for us to break the bad habit of being in abusive or dysfunctional relationship all by ourselves. It is important to understand that people only change when they fear pain, or when they want to experience a great deal of pleasure. So a break up spell, starts with breaking the thinking and thought patterns that are happening in someone’s mind. This is very difficult to do. It takes a lot of energy. This is why we need to petition to the beautiful Goddess Isis.
I like to petition the Goddess Isis to help with break up spells. Besides, she is the master of magic, and understands heartache and distress. Most importantly, she’s going to have enough energy to break the habit of a bad relationship.

How to petition to the Goddess Isis?

The Egyptians tend to have a better understanding of spirituality and holistic healing. They understood that human beings were virtually made of light. This is perhaps why they worshipped the sun god Ra. Sadly, throughout the years, much of the Egyptian’s principles have been lost or mistranslated. We fail to understand that it is love that causes our light to shine brighter. We get this love in two ways. We exchange light and love with each other, and we get this light and love from god, or subsidiary deities. Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe that we can only get this light from each other. This has resulted in people being loved starved. This also creates a system of dependency, where we feel like we need to be in a relationship to get our needs met. This is far from the truth. We can actually get our light and love from god. This is why the ancient Egyptians worshipped the sun God. It was the sun that gave them the light and love to heal. It is important to understand that when conducting a break up spell, we are waning people away from their dependency on people, and drawing them into the rays of God. This way, they’ll have enough strength to break the unhealthy thought and emotion al patterns that are causing the addiction.

1.     Dedicate your altar to the Goddess Isis. You can give her offerings of milk, honey, flowers, incense, and candles. You can also use the Tyet amulet, known as the blood of Isis to decorate your altar.
2.     If you’re performing this break up spell for someone else. You can create a voodoo doll to represent the person you want to do magic on (Refer to my articled, voodoo doll spells for love)
3.     You can soak this Voodoo doll in a patch of Vervain tea.
4.     If this spell is for you, you can add the Vervain tea to your bath.
5.     Take a bloodstone healing stone and consecrate it with Frankincense Myrrh to purify and blessed the amulet. Myrrh is great for helping people deal with sorrows. It is also great to use for breaking hexes, in particularly the patterns between toxic emotions and thoughts.
6.     You can place the amulet around a chain and wear it around your neck, or you can place it on the voodoo doll if the break up spell is for someone else.  
7.     Rinse and repeat as needed.

Breakup spells are hard. However, we can wane people off the addiction of relationships using this Bloodstone Isis ritual. 


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How to do black magic love spells? Video

How to do black magic love spells?

I believe that most of the people online are looking for a love spell that involves some sort of manipulation, control, or bending of someone’s free will. People associate black magic with evil and demonic spirits. They believe that these black magic spells are cast for malevolent purposes. People are afraid of black magic because they have heard a great deal of horror stories, many of which are true. However, I am going to explain to you how you can cast black magic love spells without using negative energy or demonic spirits or entities.

What is black magic?
Black magic is a destructive force of energy much like radiation. Radiation is caused by the instability of atoms. This means that atoms have a disproportionate amount of positive and negative charges. The misbalance within an atom creates an energy field that is incredibly potent and yes destructive. We all know and understand the kind of damage that atom bombs can do. However, there is a different kind of atom bomb, a different kind of radiation. This radiation happens on the subtle plane and is used as a tool for war.  The best strategists in the world understand that the key to defeating their enemies, are to destroy their self-confidence. So when conquerors invade other countries, the first thing that they do is destroy the religious idols, temples, and kill the priest and priestesses. Then, they rape and pillage, to ensure that their enemies are shattered to smithereens. They assimilate them into their culture. They keep all the good things, and thus throw away the bad. Then, they create a penal system where anyone who practices who the old beliefs is penalized, reprimanded and stigmatized.  So in a nutshell, It is the oppression of religion that creates black magic.

Is Black Magic Real?

So when these religious organizations create black magic, they’re creating a radioactive field that is incredibly potent and destructive. So anyone who pulls from this energy, is going to be receiving energy that is malignant and destructive in nature. Just imagine invaders coming into your town and defecating into your water supply. You can’t drink that water without getting sick. So then, you become dependent on someone else for water. Magic works very much the same way. The energy pool has been polluted by the powers that be. So a lot of times, we don’t have the energy needed to manifest our desires. Or worse yet, the energy that we are using is so malignant and so destructive, that it brings us more harm than good. Just look up black magic in the dictionary, better yet, look it up in Wikipedia. You’re going to see that black magic is associated with demon worship, the devil, and is considered pure evil. 

The Difference Between Black Magic and White Magic.

I mentioned in my other article, Is Voodoo Real?, that voodoo has been taken out of its context. I used sugar as an example. Sugarcane isn’t really all that bad for you.  The plant has natural constituencies that coat the sugar and make it easier for the body to digest. However, when you remove the sugar, it becomes concentrated. In fact, It becomes incredibly potent where too much of it can be destructive. Not only that, sugar is highly addictive, more addictive than crack cocaine. So concentrated sugar, like black magic is a mutation, created by man. Man took these things out of their natural element and created something that was just as deadly as radiation from the atom bomb. Man did the same thing with coca leaves and tobacco leaves. So when we consume these things, we get such a huge jolt of energy, that we become addicted to them.

How to do black magic?

I’ve come across a lot of people who really believe that black magic is about trickery, deception, and dissimulation. I have been around people who were high priest who told me that magic is all about getting people to believe. These people are just glorified con-men. They get off on ripping people off. They get a jolt of energy every time they’re able to manipulate someone. They enjoy playing with people’s emotions and controlling their minds. Many of these people are addicted to the power that comes from dealing with black magic. Sadly, a lot of these people are destroying themselves and everyone around them. So what’s the solution to this problem? We have to restore this energy back to its natural element. How do we do that? We restore black magic to its original element by bringing it back into the light.

Real black magic.

Real black magic isn’t evil at all. In fact, the ancient Egyptians called their country Kemit, the land of the black soil or mud for a reason.  They understood that black was the color of creation. What does that mean? It means that everything comes from darkness. Today, scientist agree with the ancient Egyptians. They understand that 95% of the universe consists of dark mass or dark matter. So 5% of the universe consist of atoms and particles, and 95% consists of dark matter. Dark matter is the soil that allows us to plant the seeds of possibilities. I mentioned in my other article, How to get a real psychic reading, that everything in the universe is already created.  Everything already exists! We just can’t see the creation because it is shrouded by darkness. When we began to shed light on darkness, we begin to see all the possibilities. However, to capitalize on these possibilities, we have to take the blinders off. We have to understand that our perspective on life, is limiting us from receiving all that the universe has to offer.

Black Magic Spells

The ancient Egyptians had a great deal of spells, incantations, and rituals to resurrect the dead, to bring things from darkness into the light. This was there way of manifesting. According to oral tradition, the Sun God Ra, would actually spend twelve hours moving through the Underworld. This means that we are more magical and creative during the night. Then, Ra would emerge at dawn and light would flow onto the earth. This is when you begin to see the magic manifesting.

1. Write your intentions down on a piece of paper
2. Light a black candle when the sun is setting
3. Place the piece of paper on the altar, and then pray, meditate or visualize the outcome.
4. light the white candle before dawn, visualize the out come.
5.Give thanks and pretend as if you’ve already received your blessing.
6. Repeat for seven days.

Black magic spells, contrary to popular belief is all about the creation of all matter and be used to create prosperity, happiness, and love!