Wednesday, June 1, 2016

How to use Singing Bowels to become a better love spell castor?

What do Stephen King, Michael Jackson, J.K Rowling and George RR Martin have in common? They have manifested a great amount of success and generated massive fortunes with just their words. These words have turned into sound and have influenced millions of people throughout the world. In fact, all of these people are artist who will leave behind a legacy for posterity to cherish. So how do regular people like you and me, tap into this power to cast love spells. We simply have to master the art of sound and the intentions that we put behind it.

Everything in our cosmic universe is created by sound.

The cosmic universe is really a cosmic symphony, with an orchestra that consists of woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings. There is a reason why Brian Greene, superstar string theorist calls the teeny tiny strings, the fabrics of our universe. So what does all this mean? It means that your heartbeats generate sound. It means that your skin cells generate sound. It means that bark on trees generate sound, even the chair that you’re sitting in, creates some kind of sound. So now you’re probably asking yourself. If everything is emitting some kind of sound, why can’t I hear it?

How does sound work?  

Sound works based on frequency and decibels.  Resonance is the vibrational frequency of an object, and frequency and decibels create cycles of sound.  So we can hear sound based on how fast the waves move, slower waves create deeper sounds, faster waves create higher sound. On average, an adult can hear sounds that has from 16 to 16000 wave cycles.  While children can hear up to 18000 sound wave cycles. As you can see our ability to hear sound diminishes as we get older. Even if we can’t hear the sound, we can feel the vibrations. For example, you can feel the base of a strong drum, we can also feel the vibrations of flutes and whistles, depending on how tuned in you are to sound.

Using the Shaman drum as a healing modality.

Drumming has been used as a healing modality for centuries. The shamans believe that the drum, aligns the human heart beat, with the heartbeat of the earth. Yes, the earth actually has a heartbeat. They believed dissonance created a sickness or illness that threw the body out of sync. I mentioned earlier that they universe has its own symphony and orchestra, and your body does as well. Only, the conductor of that orchestra is your heart. So the shamans believed that if they could align your heart beat with nature, they could then get the other parts of the body to follow suit and fall into a pattern that is known as entrainment.

The Importance of entrainment when using Tibetan bowls.

The concept of entrainment derives from a mad scientist who did an experiment with grandfather clocks. He placed one huge clock in the middle of the room. Then, he placed a whole bunch of tiny clocks around it. All the clocks were set at different times. He left the room. When he came back, he realized that all the clocks were perfectly in tuned with one another. They all displayed the same time and all the pendulums were swinging in sync.  So what does all of this mean? It means that nature has a rhythm that ebbs and flows. So much like the smaller clocks, we can tap into something that is much greater than us, align with it, and become much much more powerful. This is the whole concept of the Tibetan bowls and the Tibetan singing bowls, these tools gets us to sync up to the natural rhythms of nature. Does all of this sound crazy? Well, entrainment happens all the time.  Women’s menstrual cycle fall in sync, so that they are all happening at the same time. When dancing, people began to move about harmoniously. When we make love, we began to move in sync and entrain to our partner’s movements. You’re always going to align or entrain to the highest vibrating object, or the strongest person in the room. However, this concept gets much deeper.

How deep is deep, the Theta Meditation.

Traditionally, we have a custom in Hoodoo where we summon the ancestors by ringing the bell. We are not summoning ghost, what we are doing is that we are altering our states of consciousness. Just think of alternate levels of consciousness as changing the channels on your television or radio dial. Different channels allow you to hear different things. The first channel is the Beta channel. This is the channel where things are moving very fast. This channel allows you to hear fast waves and loud sounds. The second channel is the Alpha channel; this is the channel of slower waves. On this channel, you’re more relaxed, you’re in a daydream state, or light meditative state. This is the veg out channel, where you can just watch TV and listen to music and just relax. Then, there is the Delta channel or the Delta state of consciousness. This the Deepak Chopra state of mind, where you can be in a deep meditative state for hours. Just imagine a monk setting in lotus position and meditating. You can throw things at him and nothing is going to break his meditation. Lastly, there is the Delta state of consciousness, or the Delta channel.

Understanding Brain Wave Entrainment.

Delta channel is very much misunderstood to people in the Modern world. Western doctors have summarized this state of being one of comatose, where a person is knocked out, or just out of it. Only, indigenous people have been known to go into Delta mode and still be conscious. In fact, shamans do much of their long-distance, and hands on healing work while in this state. Delta mode allows you to connect with a force that is much deeper. It allows you to connect to the congenial mind, or the interconnected consciousness that we all share. For example, Michael Jackson was an average singer, he didn’t have the vocal range of an opera singer. However, he was able to sing his words while in a state of Delta. By doing this, he was able to connect with people from all parts of the world. Stephen King is not the best writer; he’ll tell you that he is not the best writer. However, he is widely successful because he wrote his words while in Delta mode. So when you create words in Delta mode, you’re creating resonance. This means that people can feel you and hear you on a level that goes beyond their five senses. There is a reason why you love that song. There is a reason why you can’t put that book down. There is a reason why you can’t stop thinking about that movie, long after it’s over.  There is a reason why you gravitate toward some spiritual leaders and not others. The artist’s work, resonated with you. He made you feel something that went beyond your five senses, and now you’re inspired, in spirit, because that artist created a feeling of transcendence. Does that sound crazy? Well, orca can communicate with each other across huge spreads of water, dolphins and seals can do the same thing. So it is not just about what you’re saying. It is more about the state of consciousness that you’re in, when you’re saying it.

Delta mode is the best state of consciousness for spell creation and writing.

I believe that people get really caught up in the mechanics of magic, manifesting, and spell casting. This prohibits them from entering into a state of consciousness that is going to allow them to connect with the rest of the world. Most importantly, they never gain the power  needed to cast effective love spells. Most of us have a difficult time getting into a meditative state. This is why we need training tools such as tuning forks and Tibetan singing bowls. These tools create sounds, with wave lengths that are very similar to Delta. By using these tools, we are then about to entrain with the sound, and fall into Delta mode where we can then cast our most powerful spells.

Tools that you can use:
Tibetan singing bowls
Tuning forks for healing
Ancestor bell.

Sit in front of your altar and recite the sounds of Om.
This will allow you to transcend into a higher state of consciousness, where you will have access to the congenial mind.

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