Friday, June 10, 2016

The Secret to Casting Powerful Voodoo Magic Spells

I get it all the time from the people whom I’ve worked with. They call me and complain. I did everything that you told me to do and still nothing is working. They also complain and ask me why they are not enlightened. They want to know why they can’t meditate, or why their life has suddenly turned to shit. They blame me, curse me, tell me that their misfortune is all of my fault. Then, I have to ask them. Did you make your sacrifice? Do you work on becoming spiritually enlighten every day? What have you given to the Orishas, the Lwa, and the Goddess, to Mother Earth? These people are normally stunned into silence. They know that they haven’t done any work what so ever to bring about their desired results. So, instead of taken responsibility for their own laziness, they want to blame me. However, it is not completely their fault. Many snake oil salesmen have sold Voodoo as a get results quick scheme. So people are compelled to believe that things will just magically happen. Sadly, they fail to understand the most important element of nature, the concept of sacrifice.

Animal Sacrifices in Voodoo Rituals

When I say, sacrifice, I don’t mean that you should go out and kill a chicken. There is a reason why our ancestors sacrificed animals. In my other article, A cheat Sheet for creating powerful  perfume love spells, I talked about how some plants are very sacred to earth. These plants have a strong legacy and carry a great deal of energy, ashé, chi, or prana. Most importantly, these plants have attained a higher level of ascension.  Many believe that they have attained the status of a Rainbow Body.  We as humans consume the corpse of plants to not only take in their essence, but also to increase our vibrations and attain a higher standard of enlightenment. Many animals, such as chicken and cows, consume a great deal of plant products (or at least they used to). So our ancestors would conduct rigorous voodoo ceremonious were they are working with the Orisha, Goddesses, or Mother Nature to increase the vibrational energy of the animal. This is the reason why many Jews eat Kosher meat. Once the animal is infused with the energy from the Gods and or nature, our ancestors would kill it and consume its flesh. By doing this, they were consuming the essence of the animal and thus increasing their own spiritual vibrations.

The era of entitlement and free voodoo spells.

Back in the day, it was very difficult for our ancestors to find food. It was even more difficult for them to find edible meat. A wise man once said to me, that God made it difficult for men to find food.  Nature rewards the strongest. So those who evolve are gifted with the privilege of evolution. Most importantly, our ancestors didn’t eat half as much as we do today. So, by making animal sacrifices and consuming meat, they could go a lot longer with a lot less fuel. So what’s my point. My point is that our ancestors worked hard just to eat. They sometimes had to spend days chasing a deer before they could kill it. Quite naturally, there were many days when they went hungry. Today, food is plentiful. However, money is scarce. We have to work so hard, just to make a couple of bucks. For many of us, our money is spent paying bills, leaving us very little for leisure of frivolity.  Over the years, I’ve come across a lot of people who would give their money to the church, or other religious organizations. But they are hesitate about giving anything to the Orisha, the Lwa, and the Goddess of Mother Earth. They don’t respect the rituals, the ceremonies, and most importantly, they don’t respect the law of sacrifice. They feel entitled, and believe that the Orishas should just grant them their wishes, without them working hard or making the proper sacrifices.

The Truth about Voodoo Magic Spells.

The real truth about Voodoo Magic Spells is that you will get out of it, whatever you put into it.  And you can’t take more than what you give. I know there are a lot of snake oil salesmen and charlatans who will sell you a Voodoo Magic Spell. Many of these spells will be effective, but a great deal of them will bring about more harm than good. Why? Because you didn’t put in the work, or make the sacrifice in order to get the magic to work effectively. You see, the sole purpose of magic is to heal and to get people to evolve. So in order for magic to work, we need to make some kind of sacrifice. If we want to lose weight, we need to make the sacrifice of dieting and exercising. If we want to start a business, we are going to have to spend our hard earned money, and work countless hours making the business work. The sacrifice MUST ALWAYS make us feel uncomfortable, and it must be somewhat difficult. In magic, you have to give up what you cherish the most, to get the magic to work.

The Dangers of Voodoo Magic Spells

In the Bible, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. It wasn’t just because God wanted to test Abraham, it was because the sacrifice would ensure that Abraham would be able to move forward. This is a concept known in nature as creative destruction. Before something can be created, something else needs to be destroyed. We can see this concept of creative destruction all throughout history, horses were replaced by cars, typewriters were replaced by computers etc. Each invention, moved humanity a step closer to ascension and evolution. When we don’t make the sacrifices, we don’t destroy the obstacles that are standing in our way. So when we cast our spells or use magic for manifesting, we are not only going to manifest our desired outcome, but also the opposite of that outcome. I think a lot of the people who practiced The Law of Attraction, found this out the hard way. They felt entitled, and wanted to practice magic without making the proper sacrifice. So they not only manifested what they wanted, but also what they didn’t want. It is important to understand that with magic, it is the sacrifice that offsets the negative or undesirable outcome.

How to cast Voodoo Magic Spells without manifesting the opposite of what you desire?

The first thing that we have to do is give up our sense of entitlement. We have to understand that if we truly want blessings from the Orishas, the Lwa, the Goddess, or Mother Nature, we are going to have to put in a lot more than what we take out. We have to get into the habit of making sacrifices daily. We can start with just sending them our love. Besides, we are not building good relationships with them, if we come to them only when we need something. Also, we can’t make everything about ourselves. Sadly, we have devolved into a “me” society, where everyone is out for themselves. However, our ancestors didn’t operate under the paradigm of me, they worked under the concept of we. What does that mean? It means that you should tie your desires into a higher cause. I write and make videos because I want to diminish the shame and stigma that has been attached to pagans and African derived religions. Trust me, it’s very hard. Each day, I have to wake up in the morning and fight against my own self-doubt. I know that I am flawed, and imperfect. Sometimes, I feel that I am not even qualified to do this. However, I sacrifice my insecurities to ensure that we as a human race will evolve. I give to the Orisha, the Goddess, and Mother Earth, the only thing that I have, my power of words, in hopes that they will bless and empower me with wisdom and prosperity.

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