Monday, June 13, 2016

How to get over heartbreak using Ruby Stones?

I have one golden rule. I never tell anyone what’s good for them. I try so hard to not come off as self-righteous and arrogant. I don’t believe that I should be honest with people. I feel that it is their responsibility to be honest with themselves. So when people call me requesting love spells, I don’t tell them that they’re in a bad relationship, or that they deserve better. I simply let them figure this out for themselves. Besides, my job is to guide people back to their true selves. My job is to help them listen to the inner voices that have been silenced in their heads. After some time, these women realize that they don’t really want a love spell. What they really want is the love. Love is something that I can help them with. This is when I began to recommend the Goddess Diana spell using ruby stones for love and healing.

Getting over heartbreak.

Getting over heartbreak is hard. I have read a lot of other blog posts, articles, and I’ve watched YouTube videos, only to receive the same answers. Breakups are hard, you will cry a lot, you will be in mourning. Blah. Blah. Blah. I think of breakups as detoxing from a brain inducing chemical. In my other article, How to cast voodoo love spells, I talk about the act of falling in love. When we fall in love, our brains produce a series of feel good hormones such as vasopressin, serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline. So when you’re in love, you’re on a natural high. It is a feeling of elation and ecstasy that surpasses any recreational of pharmaceutical drug. Sadly, people detox from love, just like they would detox from a dangerous mind altering substance. When people detox from drugs such as cocaine, crack, and heroine, their bodies’ go through withdrawal symptoms. The same thing happens when we fall out of love. Our bodies are no longer producing those feel good chemicals. This not only puts us in a state of desperation (I have to have him or else). It put us in a state of mourning. We often feel like we’re dying, or a part of us has died. The agony of falling out of love, coupled with the suppressed emotions and trauma is completely unbearable. We will do anything to stop the pain, including fantasizing about our ex-boyfriends and past lovers.

How to stop obsessing over someone?

Sadly, most of the women who call me, wanting love spells, are the women who are obsessing over an ex-lover. In my other article, Free and Easy Love Spells, I talk about how the mind can’t differentiate between an experienced that is imagined from an experienced that is real. So, when you break up with someone, and you still fantasize and think about him in a romantic way, your body is producing the same feel good hormones that it did when you were with him. This is why it takes a long time for people to get over the heartache. We have become addicted to a certain kind of emotion and chemical reaction. We have developed a bad habit that has become way too difficult to break. Sadly, there are millions of people all over the world who are still in love with their ex. Breaking this addiction, or telling someone that they’re obsessed, is a difficult thing to do. People would rather choose to live in an illusion that offers some kind of pleasure, than a reality that is painful.

How to deal with heartache?

The best way to get over heartbreak is to understand that pain translates into growth. I know, there are a of lot feel good, New Age hippies that tell you that you’re supposed to feel good, all the time. In truth, you’re supposed to address the pain. We have to understand that it is the pain that is driving us to seek out the wrong partners. After all, relationships are mirrors; please read my article, How to save your marriage using the 7 Essene Mirrors. We’ve gotten into the bad habit of sedating our pain, in particularly in the United States. We not only sedate our pain with prescription pills, but we also sedate our pain with escapism, casual sex, alcohol, recreational drugs, etc. These dysfunctional behaviors not only stop us from healing, but also inhibit us from getting the love that we deserve.

Here’s a Goddess Diana Spell to heal a broken heart

The Roman Goddess is perhaps one of the most misunderstood yet––the most worshipped Goddess in Europe. In fact, no deity was associated more with witchcraft during the “Burning Times” then Diana. She is known as the huntress and the warrior. Most importantly, she is known as the as the Goddess of Light and Fire. She was honored at the Festival of Torches that was normally celebrated from August 13th to the 15th According to legend, many of the witches who were burned at the stake, didn’t really die. Rather, the fire worked to burn away their impurities, and much like the phoenix bird that is reborn from fire and ashes, they were reborn as omnipotent and powerful spirits. Fire is an earth element that can be used to burn away your impurities, your pain, and trauma from past relationships.

  1. Get it all out.
  2. Write down all the pain that you’ve experienced from your past relationships on a piece of paper.
  3. Use a torch or a long match to set the piece of paper on fire.
  4. Do this on a full moon, preferably in August.
  5. Petitioning The Goddess Diana during a Friday the 13th in August is most ideal.

So once you’ve gotten rid of the negative energy. You want to start to fill your heart up with positive energy. Remember, magic is all about striking the perfect balance.

Using Ruby Stones for healing!

Ruby stone is ideal for stimulating the heart chakra. The stone is also a powerful shield against psychic attacks and vampirism. In essence, this stone will help stop the obsession. It will help you to be clearer while stimulated your pineal gland. This is an important stone, simply because you don’t want to waste your energy supporting an illusion. Besides, you can use all those same thoughts, emotions, and hormones, to manifest a new and (real) lover.

  1. You can take a ruby stone and put it on your altar
  2. You can petition the Goddess Diana to enchant the stone for you.
  3. Wear the stone close to your heart, to stimulate the heart chakra
  4. Continue this process until your mind is clear.
  5. In time, the loneliness, emptiness, and pain should go away.

It's important to get over heartbreaks quickly so we don't waste our energy on mourning, but use it for healing and manifesting a new love!

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