Thursday, June 9, 2016

How to do a powerful free break up spell? For people who are in abusive and or dysfunctional relationships

I get a lot of women who contact me, asking me to cast a break up spell. Sadly, some of these women can barely pay their rent, yet they want to ask me to break up a marriage, or to perform a free voodoo spell to break up a couple. To be honest, I get annoyed with these kind of requests. However, I know deep within my soul that these women are reaching out to me for help. So, I help them, but it is not always pretty.  Gradually, these women learn, that the men they desire don’t have wives, but a bad habit. Then, I get the most common response, but he’s not happy! Then, I have to explain to them that it doesn’t matter, breaking up a couple is equal to waning a drug addict off of crack cocaine. It takes a lot of work, and energy––and they’re probably going to relapse a couple of times before they get clean. Then, I get the other question, what if the relationship is abusive? Well, that’s an entirely different story. So in this article, I am going to give you a Goddess Isis break up spell that will help someone leave and abusive and or dysfunctional relationship.

The number one reason why free voodoo spells to break up a couple don’t work.

Dysfunctional and abusive relations are like addictions. We don’t only have addictions to shopping, food, alcohol, and drugs. We also have addictions to emotions. Many of us are addicted to anger. We are addicted to sadness. We are addicted to loneliness and self-pity. So each emotion has a thought, that triggers a certain chemical reaction throughout the body. For example, anger releases adrenaline and gives you a quick burst of energy.  Dr. Joe Dispenza, researcher, lecturer, and chiropractor says that neurons that fire together, wire together. What does this mean? It means that every thought is being reinforced by an emotion and every emotion is being reinforced by a thought. If this cycle continues over a long period of time, it becomes our disposition. We are angry people. We are moody people. We are irritable people. So then, our emotions and thoughts are on auto-pilot, and we do them without even thinking. This is perhaps why a lot of people don’t even believe that they’re in a dysfunctional relationship.

You have to cast a break up spell to break the addiction.

To make matters even worse, people are not only addicted to emotions. They are also addicted to people. They will seek people who reinforce their own internal feelings of anger, rejection, loneliness, self-loathing and pity. Women with low self-esteem will find men who will treat them like doormats. Insecure men, will find a woman who is a man-eater, who is also emotionally cold, aloof, and verbally abusive. It is very difficult to get people to change. It is even more difficult to get people to break a habit or an addiction. Let’s face it, some people never overcome their addictions, simply because they can’t deal with the void and pain that comes along with it. Read my article, How to get over heartbreak? People go through a great deal of counseling and therapy, to work on re-wiring the brain, and breaking the bad habits that they’ve had since childhood. However, this is a long, lengthy, and expensive process that doesn’t always bring about good results.

How to do a break up spell that works?

It will be difficult for us to break the bad habit of being in abusive or dysfunctional relationship all by ourselves. It is important to understand that people only change when they fear pain, or when they want to experience a great deal of pleasure. So a break up spell, starts with breaking the thinking and thought patterns that are happening in someone’s mind. This is very difficult to do. It takes a lot of energy. This is why we need to petition to the beautiful Goddess Isis.
I like to petition the Goddess Isis to help with break up spells. Besides, she is the master of magic, and understands heartache and distress. Most importantly, she’s going to have enough energy to break the habit of a bad relationship.

How to petition to the Goddess Isis?

The Egyptians tend to have a better understanding of spirituality and holistic healing. They understood that human beings were virtually made of light. This is perhaps why they worshipped the sun god Ra. Sadly, throughout the years, much of the Egyptian’s principles have been lost or mistranslated. We fail to understand that it is love that causes our light to shine brighter. We get this love in two ways. We exchange light and love with each other, and we get this light and love from god, or subsidiary deities. Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe that we can only get this light from each other. This has resulted in people being loved starved. This also creates a system of dependency, where we feel like we need to be in a relationship to get our needs met. This is far from the truth. We can actually get our light and love from god. This is why the ancient Egyptians worshipped the sun God. It was the sun that gave them the light and love to heal. It is important to understand that when conducting a break up spell, we are waning people away from their dependency on people, and drawing them into the rays of God. This way, they’ll have enough strength to break the unhealthy thought and emotion al patterns that are causing the addiction.

1.     Dedicate your altar to the Goddess Isis. You can give her offerings of milk, honey, flowers, incense, and candles. You can also use the Tyet amulet, known as the blood of Isis to decorate your altar.
2.     If you’re performing this break up spell for someone else. You can create a voodoo doll to represent the person you want to do magic on (Refer to my articled, voodoo doll spells for love)
3.     You can soak this Voodoo doll in a patch of Vervain tea.
4.     If this spell is for you, you can add the Vervain tea to your bath.
5.     Take a bloodstone healing stone and consecrate it with Frankincense Myrrh to purify and blessed the amulet. Myrrh is great for helping people deal with sorrows. It is also great to use for breaking hexes, in particularly the patterns between toxic emotions and thoughts.
6.     You can place the amulet around a chain and wear it around your neck, or you can place it on the voodoo doll if the break up spell is for someone else.  
7.     Rinse and repeat as needed.

Breakup spells are hard. However, we can wane people off the addiction of relationships using this Bloodstone Isis ritual.

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