Monday, July 25, 2016

Have you've made a mess of things? Have some of your spells backfired? Are you still suffering from some of the residue of old spells? Well, you're in luck. August 2nd is the new moon of Leo. This will allow you to hit the reset button. The new moon is also a great time for break up spells, breaking hexes and curses.

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Secret to magnifying your Hoodoo Spells using Arabic Gum? Video

The Secret to magnifying your Hoodoo Spells using Arabic Gum?

Are you tired of getting generic spells online, or in books that simply don’t work? Are you sick and tired of spending money and getting very little to nothing back in return? Do you come from a family of witches or Hoodoo workers, but feel like you’re missing the magic gift? Do you feel like the people around you are hoarding information, and or only telling you part of the story? Don’t worry, in this article, I am going to tell you the secret to magnifying your hoodoo spells using Arabic Gum.

The difference between Hoodoo and Voodoo?

I wrote an article, The Difference between Hoodoo and Voodoo, in that article, I wrote about how Voodoo, traditionally known as Vodun, is a religion that explores the unknown. Other types of African derived religions, similar to Vodun include: Santeria, Ifa, Candomblé, and Lucumi. These religions consist of powerful priest and priestess who are highly trained, and can help participants find enlightenment by working with the Orisha and or Lwa. Hoodoo, on the other hand is a conglomeration of different practices, religions, and beliefs. While traditionally African derived religions provide more structure by utilizing ceremonies and rituals. Much of the Hoodoo practitioners attain their knowledge from family and loved ones. Or, Hoodoo practitioners may have the innate knowledge of creating their own magic and Hoodoo spells.

Real spells that work?

The difference between Hoodoo and Voodoo stem beyond one being traditional and one being mystical and magical. African derived religions were prohibited from being practiced in the United States. In the American South, people were executed for practicing any other religion aside from Christianity. Furthermore, African slaves attained more privileges when they converted to Christianity. The same rules also applied to black people throughout the diaspora. However, Caribbean countries such as Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and even Puerto Rico had a large influx of African slaves who were able to maintain their religions for a much longer period of time. As a result, African slaves were able to hold on to traditional rituals, ceremonies, and beliefs that originated from Africa. Sadly, this was not the case in the United States. African slaves in the United States began to lose much of this information. And as a result, they began to lose power. So in order to get their spells to work, they needed to incorporate the aspect of other religions into their practice. They needed to do this to attain power. So over the years, the Hoodoo worker began to incorporate not only Christianity, but also practices from Native American Folk Magic.

How to become a real Hoodoo Spell Caster?

People fail to understand society’s need for assimilation.  When a race, culture, or ethic group, takes over another a group, they are absorbing their power. This concept was explored in the second season of the Originals. In this series, a defiant witch, captures other witches and takes their power. The captured witches are deemed powerless because virtually all of their power is gone. Meanwhile, the head witch is powerful beyond belief. The need for power is the number one reason why people feel the need to conquer and destroy. The benefits are insurmountable. And if they play their cards right, they cannot only absorb the power of the people conquered, but they can also destroy all of their defenses and render them completely helpless. So what does a real Hoodoo Spell caster do? They turn the tables. They take the energy and power back from these dominant religions and incorporate them into their magic and spell casting.

The benefits of using Acacia, also known as Arabic Gum in your love spells.

Many people get angry with me, when I tell them that I am a mystic. I simply don’t follow a specific religion or path. They then, tell me that I need to choose something, not doing so is irresponsible. This is when I have to tell them that my only path is love, and the main rule that I adhere to is The Law of One. Yes! The Law of One states that everything and everyone is interconnected. We are simply, all one! The best thing about the Law of One, is that it provides an equal playing field for the powerless. They are not restricted to just one religion or path. Rather, they can take energy from where they want. Most importantly, they can take energy as needed. Hoodoo workers were able to cure African slaves because they were able to take power from Christianity, and Native American folk magic. They were able to create change in the environment, because they can take power from the Tibetans, and the Egyptians. By doing this, they were able to restore the balance of power. Fortunately, you can too, by implementing the following spell using Arabic gum.

1.     Before casting any spell, burn acacia wood or Arabic gum and speak your wish or goal out loud. This will help you magnify any spell and manifest your dreams.

Many people cast weak and ineffective Hoodoo Spells because they are missing this magic ingredient, Arabic Gum!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How to do revenge spells without getting your hands dirty?

How to do revenge spells without getting your hands dirty?

Have you been cheated, shafted, and or betrayed by a family member, friend, or loved one? Have you prayed to forgive this person, yet you just can’t, because you’re still simmering from anger or hurt by all the pain that they caused? Do you sit and wonder how a person can go about harming people, and yet never have to face the repercussions of their actions? The world seems very unfair, where bad things always happen to good people. You feel slighted, weak, vulnerable, and the only way to feel powerful again, is to seek revenge. But you don’t want to stoop down to someone else’s level. Besides, you still want to be the good guy, you just want to make your enemy suffer, just a little bit. Well, I’ve got good news for you. In this article, I am going to tell you how you can do revenge spells, without getting your hands dirty.

Ways to get revenge?

Getting even is the magic number. When I think about revenge spells, I think about HBO’s hit series, Game of Thrones. It is a classic, because it is an accurate reflection of life. No. the good guy isn’t always going to win. No. doing the right thing, will not always bring you favorable results. I particularly like the third season. This season reflected the war between Rob Stark and Tywin Lannister. Rob Stark started the war, because Tywin Lannister’s incorrigible grandson, Geoffrey Baratheon chopped off Ned Starks’ head––Rob Stark’s father. Well, to make a long story short. Rob Stark declared war and won the first four battles, and captures Tywin Lannister’s son, Jaimie Lannister. Tywin understood that he couldn’t beat Rob on the battle field, so he implemented a different approach. He waited him out. The Lannisters had developed a reputation for not only being powerful, but as people who always paid their debts. This reputation allowed them to obtain favors from even their enemies. People were happy to align with the Lannisters because they knew that they would always get a handsome reward. In the end, Tywin Lannister kills Rob Stark, his mother, wife, and unborn child. He never got the revenge that he wanted. Why? Rob Stark didn’t understand the concept of power and war.

The Power of Revenge!

The first thing that you need to understand about magic, is that everything in the physical world is all about power. Your success as a spell castor all depends on how much power you have.
Tywin Lannister understood that Rob Stark was more powerful than him on the battlefield. So, he didn’t face him in battle. Instead, he killed him with patience. Tywin Lannister used his great reputation to buy allies in the north. In the end, it was Tywin’s allies who murdered Rob Stark. The second thing that you have to understand about magic, in particularly black magic, is that you never want to get your hands dirty. You have to let someone else do the dirty work. There are many people in the spiritual world who don’t believe in karma. However, I do believe in tipping points. I always believe in the law of nature that states that every action has a reaction. So where am I getting at here? I am saying that people aren’t merely judged for one, two, or even three bad actions. They are judged based on their actions collectively. The Bible has the Book of Life, where people’s good deeds are measured against their bad deeds. If they have too many bad deeds, they’re going to hell. The Egyptians believed in the Feather of Truth, where a person’s heart should ideally be lighter than a feather. But here’s what people don’t understand, if someone collectively does more good than harm, they are going to get into the heavens, and yes they are going to have more power. Yes, Tywin Lannister may be considered an evil man. However, he was generous, he created jobs, he bestowed wealth and power to people, and most importantly, he kept his word. The goodness that he did was outweighed by the evil. As a result, he only became more powerful.

How to get revenge on someone?

This is why a great deal of corporations can downsize and fire people and still remain afloat. This is also the reason why people like Steve Jobs can shaft their associates and business partners and still get ahead. The value that he created for the community, superseded all of his misgivings. So what does this mean for your revenge spell? It means that if you’re going up against someone who is more powerful than you, your revenge spell won’t work. Worse yet, your revenge spell will backfire, and the intentions for the person you want to curse, will create a boomerang effect and cause harm to you. So how do you get around this? You have to allow people to destroy themselves. You have to give them just enough rope to hang themselves with, and yes, you need to have patience, patience, patience.

How to do a revenge spell by petitioning Eshu Elegba?

I have been practicing magic for almost a decade now, and I have never felt the need to curse anyone. I never needed to. I don’t believe in throwing good money after bad, and I don’t believe in wasting good energy on people. Besides, I am kind of a bourgie and I don’t really like to get my hands dirty.  I don’t want to create a record that lowers my good character score. So what do I do? I cast the spell, and I totally detached myself from the outcome. I do this, because I can’t see the full picture. In most situations, I have no idea how powerful a person is–– and it is dangerous to make assumptions. This is why we have to surrender to a deity that is much more powerful than us, a deity that can see the past, present, and future, and understand the character records of everyone involved. This deity is known as the Orisha, Eshu Elegba.

1.     The stylized head represents the orisha Elegba, guardian of the gates and crossroads
2.     Papa Legba’s head is formed from concrete, with cowrie shell eyes and ears to watch over your home and see into your soul.
3.     Place Elegba’s head on your altar.
4.     Feed him rum every Monday.
5.     Supplement with candy, cigar, and cigarettes.

6.     Give thanks when he has worked hard for you.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How to break a voodoo curse?

How to break a voodoo curse?

Do you feel like you’re going crazy? Are weird things happening to you that simply can’t be explained? Have you had slew of bad luck? Do you feel weary and or off your game? Are your loved ones acting strangely or out of character? Have you suddenly, become sick, and no one knows how or why it happened? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you may have been hexed and or curse. In this article, I am going to explain to you how curses work, as well as giving you a quick spell on how to break a voodoo curse.

There is no such thing as curse spells?

I get this a lot from other people who claim to be spiritual. Many of these people are totally in denial about the negative or dark side of magic. They find comfort in the fact, that if they don’t believe, then they can’t be a target of someone’s curse. I made that fatal mistake. As I’ve mentioned in other articles, that good and bad are both two elements of nature that manifest together. You simply can’t have one, without the other. So if people believe in miracles, holistic healing, and manifesting, they have to also believe in the opposite. We are not going to be more magical by burying our heads in the sand. The only thing that we can do is face it head on, and take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves, so that we are never hexed or cursed again.

How do spells and curses work?

Our ancestors believe that speaking badly, or even thinking badly about someone is a curse. They believed that words had a strong vibrational charge and could do serious harm to an individual or group of people. Many people in the Western world, would dismiss these beliefs as superstition. However, if we can use out thoughts and words––such as incantations to manifest, cast spells, and heal. Then, we can use words to curse and hex other people. It took me a long time to understand how curses and hexes worked, until I read a book by Carlos Castaneda. He wrote a story about a shaman planting the seed, and thus the seed growing, and growing, until it became something awful. This concept was crystalized when I watched the documentary, Going Clear. I watched in horror as the members of The Scientology Church were brainwashed, starved, and forced to work in inhuman conditions. It was just terrible. Then, there was the re-occuring theme of how the founders of Scientology planted the seed. All they needed to do is plant a thought in the practitioner’s subconscious mind. Once that thought was crystalized, that seed would grow into something that was ugly and awful. 

A hex spell starts with just one seed, one thought.

There is one thing that many spell casters and magicians don’t tell you. They don’t tell you that we tend to conduct magic, by implanting seeds in the subconscious mind. Those seeds are often reinforced with our own thoughts and charged with our own emotions. I’ve written in other articles that people become addicted to certain thoughts, because each thought stimulates certain brain activity, that then releases different types of hormones into the blood stream. For example, when we repeatedly think how someone has betrayed us. A cocktail of hormones including adrenaline in released throughout the bloodstream. Thoughts followed by the emotion of anger, gives us a jolt of energy. However, thoughts and anger also cause us to make bad decisions. Anger and stress can manifest into a physical illness. Anger can cause accidents and bad luck, and on and on it goes, until our whole life is damaged beyond repair. I’ve known people who have suffered from curses and hexes for years. People mistakenly believe that curses fade over time. This isn’t exactly true. In fact, curses can become more powerful over time, especially when the initial seed is planted in the subconscious mind.

Why curse removal spells are only temporary?

I’ve seen people who have tried to remove curses with eggs, sage, and cleansing baths. These things tend to work when the hex or curse is new. The curse hasn’t taken the time to fester and spread to the mind, body, and soul. Other practitioners may conduct healing spells. However, this can also be difficult to do, when the curse is deeply imbedded in the subconscious mind. Psychologist believe that five percent of the mind is conscious, while ninety-five percent of the mind is unconscious. Healing spells tend to be ineffective because they only attack the conscious mind. As a result, people will see temporary improvements, only for the curse to come back again, in full swing. This happens because the ninety-five percent of the subconscious mind is battling five percent of the conscious mind. As a result, the subconscious mind takes over, and insanity, sickness, and malady incurs.

How to remove a voodoo curse using the powerful Orishas Ogun and Oshun?

Ogun is known as the tireless worker. He is also the patron of Iron and a master of magic and healing. The Haitians petitioned the great Ogun when they revolted from France. They understood Ogun’s ability to fight and wage a war, when the odds, simply weren’t in their favor. Like the Haitians, you too have to petition Ogun. You need a warrior on your side to fight this war, to work tirelessly, so that you can get favorable results. In many magical practices, Iron is known to erase all forms of magic. Ogun can use his machete to break through all of thoughts that are buried in your subconscious mind. In magic, we can’t take something away, without having another system to replace it. The last thing that we want to do is create a huge void, so that other malevolent spirits can creep in. So then, we have to petition the beautiful Oshun. Oshun can then work to send us love, to replace those ill feelings and dangerous and malignant thoughts.

1.     Add Angelica Root to a sachet and use it in your bath. (To break the curse)
2.     Add Anise seed to a sachet. (for purification purposes)
3.     Add bay leaves to a sachet (for healing)
4.     Make an offering to Ogun: You can make offerings on Wednesday, sometimes on a Tuesday. Ogun likes red candles, cigars, rum, palm wine, and whisky.
Whenever you break a curse, or clean someone of negative energy. You need to send them loving energy to replace the energy that was lost. You can do this by making an offering to Oshun.
1.     Make an offering to her on Friday. Oshun likes honey, be sure to taste the honey first. Yellow flowers, pumpkin, and oranges. You can also give her chamomile tea.
2.     Take a love bath, Basil, clove, ginger, orange, and peppermint.