Saturday, May 7, 2016

How to do a powerful love spell with it backfiring?

I get so many questions about spells backfiring. I’ve heard all of the horror stories from women who have gotten utterly terrifying results. They then tell me stories that are befitting for a Stephen King novel. Stories about how their lover came back and was violent, belligerent, and even abusive.  They told me stories about how the spell worked, but made their relationship ten times worse and not better. Well, in this article, I am going to teach you how to do love spells without them backfiring, or causing further harm to your relationship.

Love spells backfire because people choose to tinker with things they don’t quite understand.

There are tons of movies that convey the theme of man, trying to overcome/control/ or manipulate nature. Movies like Gremlins, Frankenstein, and my all time favorite, The Fly. The Fly is a movie about a brilliant but eccentric scientist who is testing a transportation device in his home. Sadly, things go horribly wrong when one little fly gets caught up in the device. Then, the movie transforms into one gore fest, as the scientist transforms into a hybrid man fly. So what’s the moral behind this story and what the hell does this have to do with you casting a powerful love spell? Well, spell castors are scientist in the most basic form. Each spell is our own invention. We design and cast spells to help human beings as a whole evolve. However, things can go horribly wrong, when we bring our shit to the table.

Contamination causes love spells to back fire.

You’ve heard of the expression that you don’t shit where you eat. These same rules apply to spell casting. Whenever you go to your altar, or petition the deities with hate, anger, resentment, and evil in your heart, you’re bringing your shit to the table. Sadly, many people don’t even know that they are contaminating their loves spells until after it's over. By this time it is too late. Then, they are faced to deal with their partners, who have now transformed into nasty hideous beast. Of course, spiritualist and witches are on the everlasting path to be as clean and pure as possible. But much like The Fly, the dirtiness and filth manages to slip in. So what can we do about this?

First, we need to understand that there is no such thing as dualities.

The idea of dualities is a Western concept, fit to cater to the perspective of the individual. In my other article, Is Voodoo Real, I talk about the misnomer of dualities and how it hurts us in magic. Yes, I know that there are many people who would label their magic black, or white. But magic can only be black AND White. They are two different sides of the same coin. You can’t work with one element without working with the other. Besides, magic is all about finding balance. However, dealing with dualities causes us to take on a lopsided view, where we work with the good and bury the bad. The bad thoughts, memories, behaviors, are not only buried in the subconscious mind, but also in the congenial mind that all humans share. So what happens? The shit seeps in, and ruins our spells entirely.

So, am I telling you that you should explore black magic?

No. On the contrary, the black magic that is being sold online today is a mere mutation of magic. People like to use black magic because it works quickly.  We live on the physical plane, so the force of gravity pulls down black magic. Sadly, the physical plane also adheres to the law of inertia. This means that once an object is in motion, it will stay in motion, until something disrupts or detracts its trajectory. So what am I saying? I am saying that black magic is destructive energy. The energy is so destructive that it will destroy everything in its path. The energies that people consider white magic may not work either. White magic may not work because there may be a great deal of negative energies that are weighing the spell down, and causing it to devolve. So what’s the solution to this problem?

You need to cast a love spell balancing both positive and negative energies.

First things first, you’ve got to deal with your shit. I come across a lot of people who tell me part of the story. However, they seem to have a selective memory, and neglect to tell me that they smashed their boyfriend’s window in with a jackhammer, or that they went to curse him out at his job. We get involved in relationships to learn about ourselves. Most importantly, we get into relationships to grow and become more enlightened beings. We can’t very well do that, when we are not honest with ourselves. We also can’t do this when we keep bringing the same baggage to our relationships. So below, I’ve outlined, a powerful, but safe spell that you can do without backfiring.

1.     Write down all the negative things that you brought to the table. Think about what you could have done to ruin the relationship.
2.     Light a black candle.
3.     Use the candle to burn the paper. Recite the incantations that will help you release the negative energies or blocks that are stored within your energy body.

4.     Do this ritual while the sun is setting.
5.     Light the white candle. You can pray, meditate, or say an incantation that involves you finding balance within yourself and within your partner.
6.     Light this candle while the sun is setting.
7.     Rinse and repeat, wait patiently for the energy to work.

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