Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How motherless daughters can find you love?

 I'm not a big fan of reality TV.  However, I do like to watch House Wives of Atlanta. It's my only guilty pleasure. I know a lot of people might disagree with me, but I love Kenya Moore I think she's beautiful. Also, I can relate to her because I am a motherless child. Unlike Kenya, my mother didn’t reject me. Sadly, my mother became ill with a debilitating disease when I was very young. So I wanted to do a ritual for motherless daughters who need to heal and find love.

In my other articles, I talk about the power of magic and healing. I explained that I wasn't a psychologist. However, I am a mystic, equipped with ancient knowledge. This helps me understand the human mind, so that I can conduct magic. I tell people all the time, alchemists were the first chemists, shamans were the first psychologists, and witches were the first doctors. So now, I would like to incorporate this information back into magic. This will allow us to be more powerful and more knowledgeable about magic.

The transference of energy is very important in African religions. In fact, the Africans engaged in commemorative ceremonies where masks were passed down from parent to child. In the great city of Benin, The Head of the Oba was passed down from king to prince. During this ceremony, the prince would receive the Oba and all the information from his ancestors were downloaded into his subconscious mind. Yoruba women had a similar process, where a motherly witch would pass down all of her information to her daughter––subconsciously of course. This is something that witches, or magical people did back in the day.

So a great deal of women who are motherless daughters fail to inherit these memories. I mentioned in my other article, How fatherless daughters can find true love? that the memories that we inherit from our parents helps us survive in this cruel dark world. I also mentioned that losing a loved one, early in life, is a very traumatic experience. So as a coping mechanism, your body buries the pain from that trauma in your subconscious mind. Your body does this, because it understands that a mere child doesn’t have the capacity to deal with trauma.

So motherless daughters don’t only have to deal with the trauma of being ripped away from their mothers. They also have to deal with not understanding the memories or the energies that they have inherited from their mother. Many of these women are broken, and thus ill equipped to be in or handle intimate relationships. These women have a hard time opening up and letting people in. Furthermore, they tend to not enjoy sex and they are incapable of experiencing love on a much deeper basis.

People tend to think that these women are cold, aloof, or just bitches. However, these women are incredibly vulnerable. They’ve spent virtually their whole life, creating a shell for protection, while neglecting the broken soul that is inside of them. These women tend to be tough on the outside, but mushy on the inside. They are mushy on the inside because they’ve never allowed anyone to get too close enough to them. Sadly, motherless daughters fail to engage in relationships that foster healing. So instead, they’re resolved to transactional relationships, where their needs are never going to be met.

So the only way for a motherless daughter to heal is to engage in a godlike relationship. These relationships are based on healing. Motherless daughters can do this by reaching out to the beautiful Yemaya. In my other videos, I talk about how Yemaya is the mother of all Orishas. She’s the Orisha who presides over fertility, creativity and motherhood. So when you petition to Yemaya, you’re going to ask her to be your mother. This way you’ll be able to activate all the memories and information that you inherited from your mother. Most importantly, you won’t feel broken. Yemaya will give you all that you need to feel complete. Now, if you’re a motherless daughter and fatherless daughter, like me, you can reach out to both Yemaya and Obatala. You can ask them to be your parents, to give you guidance, protection, love, and an innate sense of security. It is important to understand that motherless daughters have something that women with mothers don’t have. They have their vulnerability. Luckily, the Orishas sees vulnerability as one of the greatest sacrifices. So be sure to reach out to Yemaya, give her offerings, and sacrifice your vulnerability.


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