Wednesday, September 28, 2016

6 Things only real spell casters know?

There are a great deal of misconceptions surrounded the practice of magic. People want to know who is legit? Who is a scam? And they don’t want to invest their hard earned money into someone, only to get cheated, ripped off, and taken advantage of. So, in this video, I am going to go over 6 tidbits of important information that only real spell casters know.

1.     Be cautious of the people who believe that they can control and manipulate nature.

Real spell casters understand the laws of nature. They understand that nature has a delicate balance. If you disrupt this balance, terrible things can happen. The best way to understand this concept is to watch Pet Sematary. Pet Sematary is a cult horror classic filmed written by Stephan King. In this film, best beloved pets are brought back to life, after being buried in the neighborhood cemetery. Well, to make a long story short, a bereaved father decides to bury his toddler son in the cemetery. The son comes back as a deranged killer and murders his entire family. So what’s the moral behind this story? You can’t out smart nature. Nature is always going to be five, six, seven steps ahead of you. You can’t control it, you can’t make nature your bitch, you can’t make it bend to your well. Anyone who believes this is not only delusional, but an egomaniacal asshole. Real spell casters work with nature. They are open and understand that real magic occurs when you relax and go with the ebb of flow of magic. So be weary of anyone who can tell you that they can do some crazy shit.

2.     Real spell casters understand the difference between magic and miracles.

I get so many people who come to me complaining about how they got ripped off. They talk about how they got this done and that done and nothing happened. This is when I have to ask them, did you put in any work? Did you make any offerings? Did you engage in rituals? Did you do your part in order to make things happen? Then, they rebuff and say that they didn’t think that they needed to, because that’s what they paid the spell caster to do. These people fail to understand that spell casting is a process of manifesting. It takes time, hard work, consistency, and in most cases healing. Just think about going to the doctor. They doctor will tell you what’s wrong, give you prescriptions, and then explain how you need to change certain behaviors to remedy your illness. They doctor doesn’t miraculously cure you of any and all diseases, no more than the spell caster can snap their fingers and just make anything happen. It is important to understand that miracles are the result of the manifesting process. In fact, miracles tend to arise when people their original wounds, see my article, How to cast a good karma spell?

3.     Be careful of people who don’t believe in karma.

I had a subscriber who write to me and ask me why good people suffer? She asked me why bad things happen to innocent people. This is of course, a very sensitive topic, because there are a lot of people who are suffering because of someone’s mistakes or negligence. I’ve found that people who don’t believe in karma are very young and have yet to experience the consequences of their actions. Or, these people are at such a low vibration, that they can’t make the connection between their actions and the consequences behind them. Virtually all spell casters and magical workers pull energy from nature. So in the simplest terms, nature is our bank. However, when we don’t respect nature, or disrupt the balance of nature, something or someone will be affected. Now, the person who disrupts the balance of nature may not feel the effects directly. However, over time, they will begin to feel the effects indirectly. When nature rebalances itself, it will dispel the negative energy by claiming causalities. Sadly, in many situations, these causalities are innocent people. However, nature keeps a tab. Nature is very much aware of the people who causes a disbalance, and slowly over time, they lose their power. They are no longer able to draw from the bank, and thus don’t have the power to cast effective spells.

4.     Nature has a weird way of righting a wrong

The flip side to karma is that when nature claims innocent causalities, it places energy in the families’ ancestral bank account to compensate for the lost and or hardship. So if your mother had a young child that died from cancer, an energy deposit would be put in her ancestral bank account to compensate her for the lost. So down the line, this mother might have other children who become professional athletes, or successful business entrepreneurs, or incredibly talented designers or artists. Naturally, the talent could skip generations. However, the energy is there. The biggest problem is that people are so out of touch with nature, that they don’t take the time to claim their inheritance. Or, people are so boggled down with negativity, that they are never really able to adapt to the ebb and flow of nature.

5.     Real spell casters are not tactical but strategic.

There are two types of spell casters. The first types of spell casters are tactical. They are paint by numbers people. Spells are nothing more than a recipe and rituals are just thoughtless and mechanical. Tactical people don’t know how to take apart the moving pieces and but them back together again. Tactical people don’t understand the concepts of spells or rituals. Most importantly, they don’t know how to get the energy to make it happen. Most people are tactical, and it is not their fault. Schools as well as the corporate slave structure have trained us to be mindless machines. Our creativity and innovation is stunted so that we just become cogs in the wheel. Sadly, real spell casters are strategic. They see the end before they beginning. They are flexible and can adapt and change. They are constantly learning. Most importantly, they understand people and nature.

6.     Real magic is about love.

A lot of people believe that I am full shit because I always talk about love. There are some people who believe that I am some crazy delusional hippie, who is blind to the dark side of nature and people. Neither of those things are true. What I am is a realist. I’ve seen what magic can do to people when they are not grounded in love. More importantly, I understand that love is the highest vibration known to man. If you operate from a basis of love, no one’s witchcraft, Brujeria, or black magic can ever tear you down. Love will not only protect you, it will give you the courage to take risk and grow. The only thing that is constant in nature is change.  Nature has the historic habit of rewarding the species that is flexible and is willing to evolve. I’ve found that the best way to get people to evolve, is to help them tap into the power of love.

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